Using the keyboard

Choose color / symbol

The numeric keys 0 - 9 are used to quickly select a color or symbol in your palette. These keys are attached to the first 10 colors or symbols used in your palette.


Use the arrow (cursor) keys to move the cursor.

Press the space bar to draw squares.


Hold down the SHIFT-key while pressing an arrow (cursor) key to make a selection.

After a selection is made, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:
- H: Horizontal mirror selection
- V: Vertical mirror selection (flip)
- F: Fill selection with selected color/symbol
- C: Crop to selection
- Delete or Backspace: Clear


Hold down the ALT-key while pressing an arrow (cursor) key to scroll one square at a time.

Press the Page Down or Page Up key to scroll a half page up or down.

Hold down the ALT-key while pressing the Page Down or Page Up key to scroll half a page to the left or to the right.

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